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My Midwest life...for James

My Midwest life...for James19-01-2021 18:51
James___ wrote:
@GasGuzzler, I've actually had fresh venison cooked in a banked fire in Phoenix, Arizona as well as fresh fish cooked in a banked fire in Aalesund, Norway. Banked fires are good. It does help to have a cook that knows how to cook fresh meat in a banked fire. Please tell me you've eaten fresh meat.
Cooking meat in a banked fire might require someone who knows what they're doing. Your picture showed something that was cooked in an oven. Might be why it bothered me that you took such pleasure in saying, look at what I cooked at home. And you bought it, right?
Please brag on something else. It just rubs me the wrong way.

p.s., as far as fresh beef goes, it doesn't need anything. Spices are to cover up lost flavor.

Not sure why all the questions, but when you get to drinking in the afternoon, you tend to get going on about what I eat. I'll give a brief overview so maybe we can put this to rest and spare the rest of the group from here on out.

I hunt deer, mostly archery. My son is excellent at skinning. I do the butchering. I hunt my own land so most kills are strung up and prime cuts are in the freezer within an hour or two. Back straps, inner loins, and hidden loins (couple of prime loins under the rump roasts) are for the grill, not the oven. Rumps and flank steaks are for jerky, front shoulders for stew. That is 80 percent of the meat on the animal. The remaining is cut away and we make summer sausage out of it, although I am looking into some intriguing shank recipes.

We also eat a lot of wild turkey, pheasant, duck, and squirrel. I enjoy the hunt, but I won't shoot unless I know it's going to be delicious. I don't shoot Canadian geese anymore. I've tried 2 or 3 and they just taste like shit.

I never buy fish, I catch all I want at the river a couple miles from my home. Walleye are excellent table fair and Northern Pike is a very close second, though they take some skill to clean with their Y bone structure. They get large, so one or two fish can easily be a family meal. Anything over 8lbs is released. These are generally the large females that lay thousands of eggs. Let em go so they can make more.

All your questions about deer and elk smelling you...yes, they have extreme ability to sniff you out from hundreds of yds away...if the wind is in their favor. I hunt funnels and travel routes. I have ground blinds and tree stands set up, and only hunt any one location when the wind is right. I get very close to deer. Bow shots are ideally 20 yds or less. Many times, if I was quick with a knife, I could have cut the throat of a deer, but I won't ever try it. Not ethical. Pictured below is one such expample. I make every effort to make a kill as quick as possible. Sometimes that means passing up a "nearly certain" shot and watching that trophy buck walk. It doesn't bother me. I was thrilled with another close encounter. I enjoy the hunt, whether I harvest or not. I simply love being outdoors and I love the wildlife.

I am certainly not the outdoor skill of the Indian tribes you speak of. I don't make tools out of bones and string my bow with back strap sinew. I buy my arrows and broadheads at the store instead of making them out of wood and stone. I cook on gas and charcoal gills. I buy my share of beef and chicken, because that is also delicious. Get the picture?

I love the outdoors, the rivers, the timber, and the open plains. I love the wildlife. I love to hunt and harvest, and I really love eating. I'm just a pretty normal guy, but if things go bad, me and my family will survive.

Radiation will not penetrate a perfect insulator, thus as I said space is not a perfect insulator.- Swan
Attached image:

20-01-2021 07:33
Great read.Thanks for sharing.We have very limited deer hunting where I live but its big business over on the East coast
16-02-2021 15:33
GasGuzzler wrote:
James___ wrote:
@GasGuzzler, I've actually had fresh venison cooked in a banked fire in Phoenix, Arizona as well as fresh fish cooked in a banked fire in Aalesund, Norway. Banked fires are good. It does help to have a cook that knows how to cook fresh meat in a banked fire. Please tell me you've eaten fresh meat.
Cooking meat in a banked fire might require someone who knows what they're doing. Your picture showed something that was cooked in an oven. Might be why it bothered me that you took such pleasure in saying, look at what I cooked at home. And you bought it, right?
Please brag on something else. It just rubs me the wrong way.

p.s., as far as fresh beef goes, it doesn't need anything. Spices are to cover up lost flavor.

Not sure why all the questions, but when you get to drinking in the afternoon, you tend to get going on about what I eat. I'll give a brief overview so maybe we can put this to rest and spare the rest of the group from here on out.

I hunt deer, mostly archery. My son is excellent at skinning. I do the butchering. I hunt my own land so most kills are strung up and prime cuts are in the freezer within an hour or two. Back straps, inner loins, and hidden loins (couple of prime loins under the rump roasts) are for the grill, not the oven. Rumps and flank steaks are for jerky, front shoulders for stew. That is 80 percent of the meat on the animal. The remaining is cut away and we make summer sausage out of it, although I am looking into some intriguing shank recipes.

We also eat a lot of wild turkey, pheasant, duck, and squirrel. I enjoy the hunt, but I won't shoot unless I know it's going to be delicious. I don't shoot Canadian geese anymore. I've tried 2 or 3 and they just taste like shit.

I never buy fish, I catch all I want at the river a couple miles from my home. Walleye are excellent table fair and Northern Pike is a very close second, though they take some skill to clean with their Y bone structure. They get large, so one or two fish can easily be a family meal. Anything over 8lbs is released. These are generally the large females that lay thousands of eggs. Let em go so they can make more.

All your questions about deer and elk smelling you...yes, they have extreme ability to sniff you out from hundreds of yds away...if the wind is in their favor. I hunt funnels and travel routes. I have ground blinds and tree stands set up, and only hunt any one location when the wind is right. I get very close to deer. Bow shots are ideally 20 yds or less. Many times, if I was quick with a knife, I could have cut the throat of a deer, but I won't ever try it. Not ethical. Pictured below is one such expample. I make every effort to make a kill as quick as possible. Sometimes that means passing up a "nearly certain" shot and watching that trophy buck walk. It doesn't bother me. I was thrilled with another close encounter. I enjoy the hunt, whether I harvest or not. I simply love being outdoors and I love the wildlife.

I am certainly not the outdoor skill of the Indian tribes you speak of. I don't make tools out of bones and string my bow with back strap sinew. I buy my arrows and broadheads at the store instead of making them out of wood and stone. I cook on gas and charcoal gills. I buy my share of beef and chicken, because that is also delicious. Get the picture?

I love the outdoors, the rivers, the timber, and the open plains. I love the wildlife. I love to hunt and harvest, and I really love eating. I'm just a pretty normal guy, but if things go bad, me and my family will survive.

Nah, GG, I just think you're a bigot.
17-02-2021 12:28
And GiGi, I'm from Ohio. That is a Midwestern state. But as you posted, your Midwestern life.
And when you say that I make fun of you, is Ted Nugent a joke? He's from Michigan. He's a bow hunter. But not because of his "Midwestern" life. That just shows how much of a bigot you are.
I'm actually from Dayton, home of the Wright Brothers. They invented powered flight when scientists said that it was impossible. Iowa has corn and chickens. Ohio also has the invention of rubber (Good Year).
But you're better than me because you're from the Midwest like I am. Bigotry.
And with the German historical project works out for me, then when things went very bad for me, I will have survived. I would be working through medical abuse and severe trauma by understanding my situation and learning something.
That's where my being from the Midwest showed me that learning something can change things and make them better. I learned about hunting in the West. And my father having lived under the 3rd Reich taught me about bigotry. That and the race riots that went on in the 1970's in the Midwest (Ohio).
But since you don't like me because I'm from the Midwest, expect me to find where how you live isn't different from other people and doesn't make you special or better.
And GasGuzzler, my mother was from eastern Kentucky which is known for coal mines. She grew up without running water or electricity. Since I'm from Dayton, Ohio which is a Midwestern city in the Midwest, a park I used to visit often. It has a historical museum that shows how the United States of America went from a country of settlers like yourself to a country that was technologically advanced.

And it also has geological history like moraines. The first fossils I ever saw were actually in a small stream that went next to where we lived. You could see the impression of a leaf. My neighbor's father who showed them to us made it seem that fossils were everywhere. They were things from the past that were common.
But that's life in the Midwest, right?
Edited on 17-02-2021 12:49
18-02-2021 01:12
And GasGuzzler, when I worked in Berea, Kentucky, Christian coworkers got me fired. They told me that as a disabled Veteran, Thanks for your service but you're a sinner and you have to let us save you. They were better than me and I had to recognize that fact.
As a disabled Veteran, I have heard many times that I am the problem. I should do what Americans want who did not serve in the military. And I've been told it's not discrimination but is exploitation and that's why America is the greatest country in the world.
If it ends up that I know science like I think I do, I'll probably move to another country. After all, I'd be demonstrating that I am capable and yet not allowed to have a life. And then maybe I could do something to help the country that I move to. If my theory about why we have ice ages and inter-glacial periods is accepted as being possible, then that would show that I have been routinely discriminated against because I am a disabled Veteran. Usually I don't let people know that I am 1/2 Norwegian because Americans like people with 2 American parents and do anything to fit in. If I immigrate, then my hearing loss and parentage wouldn't be near the problem that it is here in the US.

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