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New Posters beware!

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07-09-2016 11:57
Tim the plumber
Leafsdude wrote:Threads like this one and many others like it do a great disservice to anyone, on either side, looking to have an honest debate. No one should have their thoughtfully expressed ideas tossed aside unceremoniously, let alone without a reasonably similar thoughtful response, even if the content from either (or both) sides is flawed.

You really don't do science do you?

There is politeness and there is honesty.

If one gets in the way of the other I go with honest.

I have just commentated on the idea of pyrimids being much older than the science says. The idea is wrong. It's drivel. Thousands of hours wasted.

This is how science works. This is how rational argument and debate works.
07-09-2016 13:22
IBdaMannProfile picture★★★★★
Tim the plumber wrote:You really don't do science do you? There is politeness and there is honesty. If one gets in the way of the other I go with honest.

Are you saying that you are going to start being honest or that we should never expect you to be polite?


I don't think i can [define it]. I just kind of get a feel for the phrase. - keepit

A Spaghetti strainer with the faucet running, retains water- tmiddles

Clouds don't trap heat. Clouds block cold. - Spongy Iris

Printing dollars to pay debt doesn't increase the number of dollars. - keepit

If Venus were a black body it would have a much much lower temperature than what we found there.- tmiddles

Ah the "Valid Data" myth of ITN/IBD. - tmiddles

Ceist - I couldn't agree with you more. But when money and religion are involved, and there are people who value them above all else, then the lies begin. - trafn

You are completely misunderstanding their use of the word "accumulation"! - Climate Scientist.

The Stefan-Boltzman equation doesn't come up with the correct temperature if greenhouse gases are not considered - Hank

:*sigh* Not the "raw data" crap. - Leafsdude

IB STILL hasn't explained what Planck's Law means. Just more hand waving that it applies to everything and more asserting that the greenhouse effect 'violates' it.- Ceist
26-11-2016 03:43
branner wrote:
Please note that personal attacks are not welcome on I know that the forum has not been moderated so much lately, but users have been banned before, and that could easily happen again.

Therefore: Stop talking about mental illnesses or calling each other names. Surface Detail had a good advice, which I would like to copy: "Stay calm, ignore the abuse, and stick to the science."

Please send me a Private Message if something needs my immediate attention.

And to the new users: Welcome to I'm fully aware that this can be a tough place, but I hope you will help pushing it in a good direction. I still hope to get more time to moderate soon.

Internet trolls are often narcissistic, psychopathic and sadistic:

The reason this forum won't be 'pushed in a good direction' and has become a complete joke, is that you've neglected it and allowed a narcissistic psychopathic sadistic troll to overrun it and make it his personal playground. Most visitors don't stay around for long -because of one particular poster.

Look at the most active user in the last year:


2nd most active user is his little internet side-kick - Into the Night.

Edited on 26-11-2016 04:02
26-11-2016 04:36
[b]Ceist wrote: The reason this forum won't be 'pushed in a good direction' and has become a complete joke, is that you've neglected it and allowed a narcissistic psychopathic sadistic troll to overrun it and make it his personal playground......2nd most active user is his little internet side-kick - Into the Night.

What he said.
Met "i b da no-sigh-ants mann" on another site. "i b da no-sigh-ants mann" calls me, a buddy & good friend because it has no body or good friend. Also, "i b da no-sigh-ants mann" has no science chemistry astronomy physics algebra & pre-calc in an unearned hi skule DEE-plooomaa. It has never explored science, can't do science or understand science.
26-11-2016 11:58
Tim the plumber
litesong wrote:
[b]Ceist wrote: The reason this forum won't be 'pushed in a good direction' and has become a complete joke, is that you've neglected it and allowed a narcissistic psychopathic sadistic troll to overrun it and make it his personal playground......2nd most active user is his little internet side-kick - Into the Night.

What he said.
Met "i b da no-sigh-ants mann" on another site. "i b da no-sigh-ants mann" calls me, a buddy & good friend because it has no body or good friend. Also, "i b da no-sigh-ants mann" has no science chemistry astronomy physics algebra & pre-calc in an unearned hi skule DEE-plooomaa. It has never explored science, can't do science or understand science.

Whilst I agree with you that he is a troll I would also prefer to think more highly of you also. I don't.

Please understand that you are in fact capable of doing some of the maths that is demanded by this subject and do some of it.
26-11-2016 20:39
Into the NightProfile picture★★★★★
Ceist wrote:
branner wrote:
Please note that personal attacks are not welcome on I know that the forum has not been moderated so much lately, but users have been banned before, and that could easily happen again.

Therefore: Stop talking about mental illnesses or calling each other names. Surface Detail had a good advice, which I would like to copy: "Stay calm, ignore the abuse, and stick to the science."

Please send me a Private Message if something needs my immediate attention.

And to the new users: Welcome to I'm fully aware that this can be a tough place, but I hope you will help pushing it in a good direction. I still hope to get more time to moderate soon.

Internet trolls are often narcissistic, psychopathic and sadistic:

The reason this forum won't be 'pushed in a good direction' and has become a complete joke, is that you've neglected it and allowed a narcissistic psychopathic sadistic troll to overrun it and make it his personal playground. Most visitors don't stay around for long -because of one particular poster.

Look at the most active user in the last year:


2nd most active user is his little internet side-kick - Into the Night.

You might also look at the last person that got banned from this site. He was a faithful member of the Church of Global Warming.

The Parrot Killer

Debunked in my sig. - tmiddles

Google keeps track of paranoid talk and i'm not on their list. I've been evaluated and certified. - keepit

nuclear powered ships do not require nuclear fuel. - Swan

While it is true that fossils do not burn it is also true that fossil fuels burn very well - Swan
RE: But it is going to change soon07-04-2022 18:53
But it is going to change soon

Your observations were quite correct.

I think that you identified the nature of the problem clearly.

What might be different this time is Jeppe B., the guy who owns the site.

I'm e mailing him and the response is encouraging.

Please come back to and try again!

In a month or two, it will become what you hoped it would be.

"sealover", PhD and I am PROUD OF THAT PHD, SO IT BRAG ABOUT IT!

I'm proud of my publications too! And I'm proud of my peer-review peers!

I say this because apparently I'm just a "liar".

Please come back!


The trolls have nothing to be proud of so they just denigrate everyone else.

If they graduated from anywhere with anything, they would be bragging about it. If they published anything, they would be showing it off.

If they understood the meaning of any of the gibber babble buzzwords, they would surely try to use them in a sentence to make it sound like they understand science..

Ceist wrote:
New posters beware!

This forum is almost completely neglected by it's owner and is virtually unmoderated, so it has become the last refuge of a small handful of hardcore science deniers and conspiracy theorists who exhibit strong signs of mental illness - including personality disorders, autism spectrum disorders, narcissistic irrational and delusional thinking, emotional dis-regulation, paranoia, pathological lying, and abusive sociopathic manipulative behavior.

They have probably been banned from other forums for their poor behavior just as much as for their trolling of utterly irrational scientifically illiterate crackpot ideas.

Post at your own risk.

RE: Hank, you CAN discuss science here now!07-04-2022 21:36
Hank, you CAN discuss science here now!

I hope there is some way to notify you if you don't get an e mail notice.

Hank, please come back to discuss science related to climate change.

You won't recognize this place by summer.

You will appreciate the difference.

sealover, an actual PhD biogeochemist with relevant knowledge to share.


Hank wrote:
Surface Detail wrote:
Why are you even having this stupid argument? IBdaMann is a wind-up merchant. That's what he does and that's what he loves. You obviously know your science, Hank, so stick to that. Let the lurkers decide what makes sense.

I've been here about two months Surface and I'm about through. I can see that it's basically just a few guys that barely understand any science and just need to prop themselves up with each other's posts. But I've actually learned a few things from you and a few others that actually understand science. And someone PM'd me with a suggestion on another site where they actually debate science. You know I assume it takes quite a bit of work for whoever started this site and it's a shame it doesn't attract that many that are interested in real science.

Anyway I'm not arguing with IBdaMann, I'm just pasting the same thing over and over to see how many times he is going to fall for it. It not costing me any time. Anyway it's been a pleasure reading your post and maybe I'll see you again somewhere.
07-04-2022 23:47
Into the NightProfile picture★★★★★
sealover wrote:
But it is going to change soon

Your observations were quite correct.

I think that you identified the nature of the problem clearly.

What might be different this time is Jeppe B., the guy who owns the site.

I'm e mailing him and the response is encouraging.

Please come back to and try again!

In a month or two, it will become what you hoped it would be.

"sealover", PhD and I am PROUD OF THAT PHD, SO IT BRAG ABOUT IT!

Meh. You are a nothing. Credentials don't mean anything here.
sealover wrote:
I'm proud of my publications too! And I'm proud of my peer-review peers!

Meh. I don't believe you. Science does not use consensus. There is no voting bloc in science.
sealover wrote:
I say this because apparently I'm just a "liar".

sealover wrote:
Please come back!


Define 'climate change'. There is no branch of science called 'climate change'. Science isn't meaningless buzzwords.
sealover wrote:
The trolls have nothing to be proud of so they just denigrate everyone else.

If they graduated from anywhere with anything, they would be bragging about it. If they published anything, they would be showing it off.

Credentials don't mean anything on blind forums such as this one. I, gfm, and IBdaMann has shown you what we have published. See my sig.
sealover wrote:
If they understood the meaning of any of the gibber babble buzzwords, they would surely try to use them in a sentence to make it sound like they understand science..

We don't use buzzwords or gibber babble. That isn't science.

The Parrot Killer

Debunked in my sig. - tmiddles

Google keeps track of paranoid talk and i'm not on their list. I've been evaluated and certified. - keepit

nuclear powered ships do not require nuclear fuel. - Swan

While it is true that fossils do not burn it is also true that fossil fuels burn very well - Swan
07-04-2022 23:52
Into the NightProfile picture★★★★★
sealover wrote:
Hank, you CAN discuss science here now!

I hope there is some way to notify you if you don't get an e mail notice.

Hank, please come back to discuss science related to climate change.

You won't recognize this place by summer.

You will appreciate the difference.

sealover, an actual PhD biogeochemist with relevant knowledge to share.


The Parrot Killer

Debunked in my sig. - tmiddles

Google keeps track of paranoid talk and i'm not on their list. I've been evaluated and certified. - keepit

nuclear powered ships do not require nuclear fuel. - Swan

While it is true that fossils do not burn it is also true that fossil fuels burn very well - Swan
RE: (For website owner's benefit)09-04-2022 05:08
(For website owner's benefit).


This is a quote very often used by Parrot Boy.

It is a very meaningful contribution to climate debate.

These discussions would be worthless without it.







I have preemptively responded to your next six posts and won't have to even read them now.

Meh! Meh! MEH! MEH!!!

Now I've covered your next TEN posts and won't have to read them.

And for good measure. "No science."


Into the Night wrote:
sealover wrote:
Hank, you CAN discuss science here now!

I hope there is some way to notify you if you don't get an e mail notice.

Hank, please come back to discuss science related to climate change.

You won't recognize this place by summer.

You will appreciate the difference.

sealover, an actual PhD biogeochemist with relevant knowledge to share.

RE: sealover, an actual PhD biogeochemist with relevant knowledge to share.09-04-2022 06:11
sealover, an actual PhD biogeochemist with relevant knowledge to share.

Biogeochemistry is a relatively new scientific discipline that explores the physical, chemical, biological, and geological processes and reactions that govern the composition of and changes to the natural environment.

What you do is real and I am curious as to why you believe the Earth is warming and why warming is bad.Could you be more specific.You are aware the entire Northern coast of Australia is mangrove swamps and wetlands.

You seem to spend all your time engaging ITN and IBDM.Fascinating as I am interested in what you do and they are not.I have been fighting with this pair for 3 years and they have different styles.IBDM will find one word or phrase and attack that and insult the crap out of you.ITN just puts up the shutters and denies everything.ITN claims no one knows where coal comes from yet I have met many people who do.To admit it is ancient plant growth means that the term fossil fuel is acceptable does in their faith.This pair feel the election was a fraud yet here we are.The list goes on.Answer my question please
RE: I respect that you are respectful. Sincerely.09-04-2022 06:47
I respect that you are respectful. Sincerely.

I have not known how to respond to your inquiries, but I have never once imagined that you were acting in bad faith, motivated by sadistic desire to hurl insults as a reflexive naysayer.

So, thank you for being respectful.

Yes, biogeochemistry is real. Thank you for acknowledging that.

I was not sure if your inquiries were completely genuine, and your questions seemed to include underlying assumptions that were complicating to answer.

Now, I see how you are indeed offering a whole different class of discourse.

I see your good faith and sincerity.

I will make no attempt in this post to connect my more intimate knowledge of biogeochemistry to broader questions of what scientific knowledge makes me a FULL BLOWN ALARMIST about anthropogenic global weirding.

I will just say that I intend to return the respect that you have displayed and I would LOVE to tell you why I believe what I believe, as an alarmed scientist.

I respect that you are respectful. Sincerely.


duncan61 wrote:
sealover, an actual PhD biogeochemist with relevant knowledge to share.

Biogeochemistry is a relatively new scientific discipline that explores the physical, chemical, biological, and geological processes and reactions that govern the composition of and changes to the natural environment.

What you do is real and I am curious as to why you believe the Earth is warming and why warming is bad.Could you be more specific.You are aware the entire Northern coast of Australia is mangrove swamps and wetlands.

You seem to spend all your time engaging ITN and IBDM.Fascinating as I am interested in what you do and they are not.I have been fighting with this pair for 3 years and they have different styles.IBDM will find one word or phrase and attack that and insult the crap out of you.ITN just puts up the shutters and denies everything.ITN claims no one knows where coal comes from yet I have met many people who do.To admit it is ancient plant growth means that the term fossil fuel is acceptable does in their faith.This pair feel the election was a fraud yet here we are.The list goes on.Answer my question please
RE: Mangrove biogeochemistry is awesome. First, what about those fires?09-04-2022 07:13
Mangrove biogeochemistry is awesome. First, what about those fires?

Mangrove swamps provide some of the best evidence of the enormous magnitude of alkalinity generated in coastal wetlands as released into the sea as submarine groundwater discharge.

I would love to share what I know, second hand, of some studies close to home. Your home, that is.

However, I remain confused by some of what you have written regarding underlying assumptions.

It would help me know how to communicate with you if you would tell me something first.

In the last few years, Australia has made headline news with wildfires.

Do you agree with the characterization in the media that these largest Australian wildfires in the last four years or so are "unprecedented"?

It would help me understand how you interpret objective evidence.

Mangrove biogeochemistry is awesome. First, what about those fires?


duncan61 wrote:
sealover, an actual PhD biogeochemist with relevant knowledge to share.

Biogeochemistry is a relatively new scientific discipline that explores the physical, chemical, biological, and geological processes and reactions that govern the composition of and changes to the natural environment.

What you do is real and I am curious as to why you believe the Earth is warming and why warming is bad.Could you be more specific.You are aware the entire Northern coast of Australia is mangrove swamps and wetlands.

You seem to spend all your time engaging ITN and IBDM.Fascinating as I am interested in what you do and they are not.I have been fighting with this pair for 3 years and they have different styles.IBDM will find one word or phrase and attack that and insult the crap out of you.ITN just puts up the shutters and denies everything.ITN claims no one knows where coal comes from yet I have met many people who do.To admit it is ancient plant growth means that the term fossil fuel is acceptable does in their faith.This pair feel the election was a fraud yet here we are.The list goes on.Answer my question please
09-04-2022 08:59
Into the NightProfile picture★★★★★
duncan61 wrote:
sealover, an actual PhD biogeochemist with relevant knowledge to share.

Biogeochemistry is a relatively new scientific discipline that explores the physical, chemical, biological, and geological processes and reactions that govern the composition of and changes to the natural environment.

No such branch of science.
duncan61 wrote:
What you do is real

Nope. It's meaningless buzzword.
duncan61 wrote:
and I am curious as to why you believe the Earth is warming and why warming is bad.Could you be more specific.You are aware the entire Northern coast of Australia is mangrove swamps and wetlands.

He's already answered that question. He is trying to create energy out nothing and reduce entropy.
duncan61 wrote:
You seem to spend all your time engaging ITN and IBDM.Fascinating as I am interested in what you do and they are not.

He isn't doing anything but spamming and trolling.
duncan61 wrote:
I have been fighting with this pair for 3 years and they have different styles.IBDM will find one word or phrase and attack that and insult the crap out of you.ITN just puts up the shutters and denies everything.

Lie. Bulverism fallacy.
duncan61 wrote:
ITN claims no one knows where coal comes from yet I have met many people who do.

No one knows where coal comes from. Anybody that says they do is speculating.
duncan61 wrote:
To admit it is ancient plant growth

Who knows? Probably not.
duncan61 wrote:
means that the term fossil fuel

Plants aren't fossils and neither is coal. Coal is carbon.
duncan61 wrote:
is acceptable does in their faith.

Malformed sentence. No meaning.
duncan61 wrote:
This pair feel the election was a fraud yet here we are.

It was...and here we are.
duncan61 wrote:
The list goes on. Answer my question please

He already answered it. Like you, he believes that a Magick Holy Gas can somehow create energy out of nothing and reduce entropy.

The Parrot Killer

Debunked in my sig. - tmiddles

Google keeps track of paranoid talk and i'm not on their list. I've been evaluated and certified. - keepit

nuclear powered ships do not require nuclear fuel. - Swan

While it is true that fossils do not burn it is also true that fossil fuels burn very well - Swan
09-04-2022 09:02
Into the NightProfile picture★★★★★
sealover wrote:
I respect that you are respectful. Sincerely.

I have not known how to respond to your inquiries, but I have never once imagined that you were acting in bad faith, motivated by sadistic desire to hurl insults as a reflexive naysayer.

So, thank you for being respectful.

Yes, biogeochemistry is real. Thank you for acknowledging that.

As real as a meaningless buzzword.
sealover wrote:
I was not sure if your inquiries were completely genuine, and your questions seemed to include underlying assumptions that were complicating to answer.

Now, I see how you are indeed offering a whole different class of discourse.

I see your good faith and sincerity.

I will make no attempt in this post to connect my more intimate knowledge of biogeochemistry to broader questions of what scientific knowledge makes me a FULL BLOWN ALARMIST about anthropogenic global weirding.

You deny science.
sealover wrote:
I will just say that I intend to return the respect that you have displayed and I would LOVE to tell you why I believe what I believe, as an alarmed scientist.

Religion isn't science.
sealover wrote:
I respect that you are respectful. Sincerely.

You respect him so much you never answered his question.

The Parrot Killer

Debunked in my sig. - tmiddles

Google keeps track of paranoid talk and i'm not on their list. I've been evaluated and certified. - keepit

nuclear powered ships do not require nuclear fuel. - Swan

While it is true that fossils do not burn it is also true that fossil fuels burn very well - Swan
09-04-2022 09:05
The bushfires are interesting as we now lose less land cover to bushfires than years previously.Before I start I need you to know I have been to Arnhem land in the remote north and the first thing I noticed was a lot of the land looked like satans backyard.There are two seasons in the tropics wet/dry at the end of the dry the grass is very dry.There are quartz patches everywhere and the late dry season sun shines on them at the right angle and a bit of breeze and a fire starts.Then the wet season starts and the place floods and all goes green again.The reason I was there is I did a buffalo safari.The operator likes to bring in locals for the last shoot off as we will help pack the camp and salt capes and stuff.We cull the bulls as they do a roundup after we have gone and one big bull will cause a ton of grief around the cows.They are introduced vermin and an operator in Darwin slaughters a heap and also exports some back to South East Asia where they are highly prized as domestic animals and their milk is very good.Morale of story these fires are very useful to the land and the original inhabitants used to deliberately light them in years gone by.Back to the South where all the people are.I will use bullet point as what I know
.There are more people that wish to live on a 5 acre block out of town and they do not do firebreaks and rake up leaf litter as they want to be in nature and then they burn.Its called a hippie BBQ
.Most of the fires that start are by arsonists.Some are trying to prove a point and some people who have been charged are actually firemen drawing attention to their situation.
.I have personally been involved in backburning with Yarloop volunteer fire service and it is stunning how much land you can clear with 5 teams of 5 working in tandem over a weekend.When the big fire went through the area later guess where it stopped.Where we had backburned of course that one was deliberately lit as well
.The local fire this year was started by a farmer using an angle grinder in a total fire ban.Poor bloke fessed up and helped but was still charged with attempted murder
.The data on bushfires shows that 12% of land mass in Australia in 1900 burned now it is under 5% but there are more people.
.The area that burned in NSW was scheduled to be backburned but protestors blocked it as they claim small birds and reptiles are harmed.Less than 9% was cleared.The fires 4 months later cooked alive millions of animals and displaced many people.I know not the death toll.The faces of the protestors were blanked out by facebook as someone may take it upon themselves to get revenge.I would
.Fires need fuel and air.Take away the fuel and there is no raging inferno
This format might work.You ask and I will share what I perceive to be true based on my personal observations.Regards Duncan

Edited on 09-04-2022 09:07
09-04-2022 09:26
Into the NightProfile picture★★★★★
sealover wrote:
Mangrove biogeochemistry is awesome.

The best buzzword you've created.
sealover wrote:
First, what about those fires?

What fires?
sealover wrote:
Mangrove swamps provide some of the best evidence of the enormous magnitude of alkalinity generated in coastal wetlands as released into the sea as submarine groundwater discharge.

Swamp water is above ground, idiot. There is no 'submarine groundwater discharge' from a coastal wetland.
sealover wrote:
I would love to share what I know, second hand, of some studies close to home. Your home, that is.

However, I remain confused by some of what you have written regarding underlying assumptions.

It would help me know how to communicate with you if you would tell me something first.

In the last few years, Australia has made headline news with wildfires.

Wildfires are normal in Australia, just as they are anywhere else.
sealover wrote:
Do you agree with the characterization in the media that these largest Australian wildfires in the last four years or so are "unprecedented"?

It would help me understand how you interpret objective evidence.

The media is not objective evidence, or even objective at all.
sealover wrote:
Mangrove biogeochemistry is awesome.

No such thing.
sealover wrote:
First, what about those fires?

What fires?

The Parrot Killer

Debunked in my sig. - tmiddles

Google keeps track of paranoid talk and i'm not on their list. I've been evaluated and certified. - keepit

nuclear powered ships do not require nuclear fuel. - Swan

While it is true that fossils do not burn it is also true that fossil fuels burn very well - Swan
09-04-2022 09:40
Sea lover.That is ITN version of crouching Tiger.Wait till he does silly Monkey.Its even better.

As of January 2020, 25 people had lost their lives in New South Wales due to the 2019/2020 Australian bushfire season. A total of 34 people had died in the bushfires since October 2019.

Erm that fire which could have been less severe if the area had been backburned and firebreaked and not started from a careless campfire
09-04-2022 10:00
IBdaMannProfile picture★★★★★
duncan61 wrote:
sealover, an actual PhD biogeochemist with relevant knowledge to share.

Biogeochemistry is a relatively new scientific discipline that explores the physical, chemical, biological, and geological processes and reactions that govern the composition of and changes to the natural environment.

What you do is real and I am curious as to why you believe the Earth is warming and why warming is bad.Could you be more specific.You are aware the entire Northern coast of Australia is mangrove swamps and wetlands.

You seem to spend all your time engaging ITN and IBDM.Fascinating as I am interested in what you do and they are not.I have been fighting with this pair for 3 years and they have different styles.IBDM will find one word or phrase and attack that and insult the crap out of you.ITN just puts up the shutters and denies everything.ITN claims no one knows where coal comes from yet I have met many people who do.To admit it is ancient plant growth means that the term fossil fuel is acceptable does in their faith.This pair feel the election was a fraud yet here we are.The list goes on.Answer my question please

So this is how Pete Rogers got you to willingly bend over furniture. You really fall for that "I'm a PhD" schtick, don't you? It's like your weak spot. It seems anyone can get you to believe anything, and to play gay nude Twister by merely giving you a short sermon with the right physics violations (not that there's anything wrong with gay nude Twister if you're into that sort of thing). You don't question anything, you don't doubt anything, you don't ask for any science ... you just become orgasmic with ANY dogma that's crammed up your azz. Once that happens, you're smitten.

Hey, Pete Rogers isn't around, so if you can't be with the one you love, love the squeal over you're with. I bet you can't wait to peruse seal over's library for ferns who are hexavalent chromium survivors, am I right?

One suggestion for you: the next time you engage with squeal over, get a room.
09-04-2022 10:18
We are hoping to take over this room.Be grateful I do not know how to post pictures as it gets a bit graphic.Greta lover is holding the camera.
09-04-2022 10:21
I have just gone over this thread.Sealover asked me about bushfires.You did not mention that
RE: Yes, you deserve a respectful response.09-04-2022 23:45
Yes, you deserve a respectful reponse.

I may be misinterpreting what you are saying.

What I think I understand from this is that the fires of most recent years aren't really any different from those in the historic record.

What statistics about area burned don't tell you is about fire INTENSITY.

Did the fire result in black ash or white ash?

How many of the injured trees eventually recovered?

If what is happening in your own back yard isn't enough to alarm you, you won't be impressed by statistics of it happening everywhere else as well.

Massive wildfires from Siberia to the Amazon can be objectively quantified.

These kind of fires just didn't happen before during recorded human history.

If your own backyard burning like it never burned before doesn't alarm you.

I'll just stick to discussing the biogeochemistry of your mangroves.

You presented a respectful point for discussion.

I respect you for that.


duncan61 wrote:
The bushfires are interesting as we now lose less land cover to bushfires than years previously.Before I start I need you to know I have been to Arnhem land in the remote north and the first thing I noticed was a lot of the land looked like satans backyard.There are two seasons in the tropics wet/dry at the end of the dry the grass is very dry.There are quartz patches everywhere and the late dry season sun shines on them at the right angle and a bit of breeze and a fire starts.Then the wet season starts and the place floods and all goes green again.The reason I was there is I did a buffalo safari.The operator likes to bring in locals for the last shoot off as we will help pack the camp and salt capes and stuff.We cull the bulls as they do a roundup after we have gone and one big bull will cause a ton of grief around the cows.They are introduced vermin and an operator in Darwin slaughters a heap and also exports some back to South East Asia where they are highly prized as domestic animals and their milk is very good.Morale of story these fires are very useful to the land and the original inhabitants used to deliberately light them in years gone by.Back to the South where all the people are.I will use bullet point as what I know
.There are more people that wish to live on a 5 acre block out of town and they do not do firebreaks and rake up leaf litter as they want to be in nature and then they burn.Its called a hippie BBQ
.Most of the fires that start are by arsonists.Some are trying to prove a point and some people who have been charged are actually firemen drawing attention to their situation.
.I have personally been involved in backburning with Yarloop volunteer fire service and it is stunning how much land you can clear with 5 teams of 5 working in tandem over a weekend.When the big fire went through the area later guess where it stopped.Where we had backburned of course that one was deliberately lit as well
.The local fire this year was started by a farmer using an angle grinder in a total fire ban.Poor bloke fessed up and helped but was still charged with attempted murder
.The data on bushfires shows that 12% of land mass in Australia in 1900 burned now it is under 5% but there are more people.
.The area that burned in NSW was scheduled to be backburned but protestors blocked it as they claim small birds and reptiles are harmed.Less than 9% was cleared.The fires 4 months later cooked alive millions of animals and displaced many people.I know not the death toll.The faces of the protestors were blanked out by facebook as someone may take it upon themselves to get revenge.I would
.Fires need fuel and air.Take away the fuel and there is no raging inferno
This format might work.You ask and I will share what I perceive to be true based on my personal observations.Regards Duncan

10-04-2022 06:49
I covered the intensity is directly related to the fuel load that needs to be backburned before summer or removed manually.You have raised my go to baby.THE AMAZON RAINFOREST.
Can you share a link that shows where the Amazon is burning.Its a rainforest and very wet.It does not burn very well.The pictures the press take are last years invasive growth that has been cleared and left to dry then burned at the end of their dry season.Its a stunt.The penalties for cutting down any part of the Amazon forest illegally are severe.Similar to poaching Rhinos for there tusks.Time has run out.I have been hearing about the shrinking Amazon since the 70s and now there is more than there was.It is pristine and well protected.
10-04-2022 07:07
Sealover.I would like to propose we keep this thread free from you know who and just respond to each other and any genuine interested parties on the state of the Planet we live on.Use all the other threads to go nuts on the weird but ignore anything that is not relevant on this thread.On other forums you can block posters flaming and you can see they have posted but not the content unless you wish to open it.I feel the need to know what you as a biogeochemist have discovered
Edited on 10-04-2022 07:09
10-04-2022 07:18
My knowledge of the Amazon comes from 2 friends.One is from Chile and the other Brazil and their attitude is to clear more to create more farmland for the benefit of their respective countries but it is not allowed.I worked at Wagerup ALCOA in the construction phase 1980-1981 and knew then ALCOA had hired 13 botanists to recreate the areas due to be mined.I was involved in clearing native bushland in 1990s and we took out the mature redgums and jarrah trees for use as fencing and strainer posts.The little skinny ones went well as rails.I have been back recently and where it was prickly near impassible bush it is now all diverse forest that you can see through and wander about in without getting shredded with the odd wooden bench here and there to relax on.The birds are all chirping and all is well.Its not on fire either
RE: This will not be a productive discussion.10-04-2022 07:48
This will not be a productive discussion.

I do not know how to post links.

Would a link really prove anything?

I know what I have spent decades studying.

At some point I will prepare something more formal.

It would not be productive use of my time or yours to argue about what is true or not true about rainforests burning, etc.

Frankly, I wish you were correct about the pristine state of the Amazon.

I wish it were true that coral reefs are not dying rapidly.

I wish we didn't have to think about replanting large swaths of forest area with more drought resistant tree varieties to fend off catastrophic wildfires.


duncan61 wrote:
My knowledge of the Amazon comes from 2 friends.One is from Chile and the other Brazil and their attitude is to clear more to create more farmland for the benefit of their respective countries but it is not allowed.I worked at Wagerup ALCOA in the construction phase 1980-1981 and knew then ALCOA had hired 13 botanists to recreate the areas due to be mined.I was involved in clearing native bushland in 1990s and we took out the mature redgums and jarrah trees for use as fencing and strainer posts.The little skinny ones went well as rails.I have been back recently and where it was prickly near impassible bush it is now all diverse forest that you can see through and wander about in without getting shredded with the odd wooden bench here and there to relax on.The birds are all chirping and all is well.Its not on fire either
10-04-2022 09:09
I have to ask where you get your information.Have you flown over the Amazon recently.My local dive site is Mettams pool which is in the Marmion marine park and it is pristine.I did my PADI open dive course out of Townsville in 1984 and where we dove was amazing.Jennifer Marohasy and Tim ball are all up into the Barrier reef.Check their work.The people claiming the reef is in trouble are not even there.Coral can go through rapid water temp changes.They expel the zooxanthellae because they do it has no relationship to water temperature if the water temperature is actually changing.These are the realities I live with.I am not trying to gloss over and I receive no commision check from petrol/gas companies.At Busselton jetty there are corals that live 1000s of kms further North and the water temps are vastly different.Do we have a deal on not responding to the clowns on this thread?Can you tell me what has got you alarmed?
RE: Yes, we have a deal10-04-2022 09:42
Yes, we have a deal

I was told that I was a "liar" when I told a story about the coral reef where I saw the damage with my own eyes.

I was even shown photographic "proof" of my "lie".

I have worked closely with many other scientists. We can't ALL be stupid.

We can't be finding ourselves more ignorant as we gather more information.

I don't want to call anyone else a liar, but I have seen where large swaths of rainforest have been cleared. It's not imaginary.

There are a few success stories, but mostly it's just getting worse.

The president of Brazil basically INVITED squatters to go into indigenous land and clear the rainforest. NOBODY HAS PAID A FINE THERE IN YEARS.

I refuse to argue with someone who refuses to see any problem of any kind.

It is a waste of my time AND yours.

And, yes, we had a deal.

There is no need for me to interact directly with the trolls here any more.

I apologize if I come off as disrespectful, but there are plenty of people who don't need to be convinced that the problem is real.

Some of them even want to discuss SOLUTIONS.

I can tell you where I get most of my information - scientific journals.

I don't have time to provide a bunch of basic background references.

Especially since I know in advance anything I present will be rejected instantly.

I'd rather answer a question about biogeochemical mechanisms.


duncan61 wrote:
I have to ask where you get your information.Have you flown over the Amazon recently.My local dive site is Mettams pool which is in the Marmion marine park and it is pristine.I did my PADI open dive course out of Townsville in 1984 and where we dove was amazing.Jennifer Marohasy and Tim ball are all up into the Barrier reef.Check their work.The people claiming the reef is in trouble are not even there.Coral can go through rapid water temp changes.They expel the zooxanthellae because they do it has no relationship to water temperature if the water temperature is actually changing.These are the realities I live with.I am not trying to gloss over and I receive no commision check from petrol/gas companies.At Busselton jetty there are corals that live 1000s of kms further North and the water temps are vastly different.Do we have a deal on not responding to the clowns on this thread?Can you tell me what has got you alarmed?
10-04-2022 10:03
This is a debate forum and I consider I have learned a lot over the last 3 years.I have sought out and watched a lot of different opinions from various people.I have kept an open mind and have even bought 2 greenhouses and filled one with CO2 for 30 minutes to 3000ppm and recorded no difference in temperature.I have seen no increase in CO2 where I have my device.A lot of the alarmism is the RCP 8.5 scenario happening and it just did not.The last 20 years we did not even make RCP 2.5.I was hoping you could show me some testable stuff that should/could be an issue in the field of Biogeochemistry.I do not know the correct term for a scientist giving up on someone because they do not agree with you.
10-04-2022 15:33
SwanProfile picture★★★★★
Ceist wrote:
New posters beware!

This forum is almost completely neglected by it's owner and is virtually unmoderated, so it has become the last refuge of a small handful of hardcore science deniers and conspiracy theorists who exhibit strong signs of mental illness - including personality disorders, autism spectrum disorders, narcissistic irrational and delusional thinking, emotional dis-regulation, paranoia, pathological lying, and abusive sociopathic manipulative behavior.

They have probably been banned from other forums for their poor behavior just as much as for their trolling of utterly irrational scientifically illiterate crackpot ideas.

Post at your own risk.

LOL you left off government workers
10-04-2022 17:13
GretaGroupieProfile picture★★☆☆☆
Ceist wrote:
.... it has become the last refuge of a small handful of hardcore science deniers and conspiracy theorists who exhibit strong signs of mental illness - including personality disorders, autism spectrum disorders, narcissistic irrational and delusional thinking, emotional dis-regulation, paranoia, pathological lying, and abusive sociopathic manipulative behavior.

Sounds like the definition of diversity to me!

not sure what this pic has to do with anything
but it just seemed to fit here
10-04-2022 18:27
HarveyH55Profile picture★★★★★
Kind of funny how developed countries, which spent centuries clearing land, for farms, housing, highway, liberal-universities. Want to tell poor, starving, developing countries they can't do the same, to better their lives. It's called 'progress', get over it. Yeah, it's destructive, but humans have a history of doing that sort of thing... Much of the rain forest destruction is for farm land. One plant will do about as well, as another, capturing that deadly CO2, and saving us from a scorched-earth, doomsday prediction. The rain forests are huge, and aren't being completely destroyed. Doesn't take long for it to recover either. The farms created, have a constant battle, and burn some every year. Lot of the media crap, is the burning new growth, overrunning the farms. Fire is good. Liberals are bad.
10-04-2022 21:55
Into the NightProfile picture★★★★★
sealover wrote:
Yes, you deserve a respectful reponse.

I may be misinterpreting what you are saying.

What I think I understand from this is that the fires of most recent years aren't really any different from those in the historic record.

What statistics about area burned don't tell you is about fire INTENSITY.

Did the fire result in black ash or white ash?

How many of the injured trees eventually recovered?

If what is happening in your own back yard isn't enough to alarm you, you won't be impressed by statistics of it happening everywhere else as well.

Massive wildfires from Siberia to the Amazon can be objectively quantified.

These kind of fires just didn't happen before during recorded human history.

How do you know? The events weren't recorded.
sealover wrote:
If your own backyard burning like it never burned before doesn't alarm you.

It isn't. Brush fires are normal, especially if you don't clear away the brush. Brush burns the same way it always does. Nothing has changed about how brush burns.
sealover wrote:
I'll just stick to discussing the biogeochemistry of your mangroves.

Buzzword fallacy.
sealover wrote:
You presented a respectful point for discussion.

I respect you for that.

Obviously not, since you immediately tried to pivot away from the topic he brought up.

The Parrot Killer

Debunked in my sig. - tmiddles

Google keeps track of paranoid talk and i'm not on their list. I've been evaluated and certified. - keepit

nuclear powered ships do not require nuclear fuel. - Swan

While it is true that fossils do not burn it is also true that fossil fuels burn very well - Swan
10-04-2022 21:59
Into the NightProfile picture★★★★★
duncan61 wrote:
Sealover.I would like to propose we keep this thread free from you know who and just respond to each other and any genuine interested parties on the state of the Planet we live on.Use all the other threads to go nuts on the weird but ignore anything that is not relevant on this thread.On other forums you can block posters flaming and you can see they have posted but not the content unless you wish to open it.I feel the need to know what you as a biogeochemist have discovered

He has discovered that you will listen to his weirdness.
There is no such branch in science.

The Parrot Killer

Debunked in my sig. - tmiddles

Google keeps track of paranoid talk and i'm not on their list. I've been evaluated and certified. - keepit

nuclear powered ships do not require nuclear fuel. - Swan

While it is true that fossils do not burn it is also true that fossil fuels burn very well - Swan
10-04-2022 22:13
Into the NightProfile picture★★★★★
sealover wrote:
This will not be a productive discussion.

Because you don't discuss. You preach buzzwords and nonsense. You cut and paste with no understanding of the material you cut from.
sealover wrote:
I do not know how to post links.

Too high-brow for ya?
sealover wrote:
Would a link really prove anything?

No. But it can be evidence.
sealover wrote:
I know what I have spent decades studying.

I do too. Buzzwords.
sealover wrote:
At some point I will prepare something more formal.

You gonna wear a Tuxedo while type?
sealover wrote:
It would not be productive use of my time or yours to argue about what is true or not true about rainforests burning, etc.

Found yourself painted into a corner, eh?
sealover wrote:
Frankly, I wish you were correct about the pristine state of the Amazon.

Most of the Amazon river is quite pristine. Very few people even go very far up the river.
sealover wrote:
I wish it were true that coral reefs are not dying rapidly.

They are not. You should learn scuba diving (or at least snorkeling) and experience the unique beauty of coral reefs. In many tropical reefs you will find so many fish of different colors they each look like a individually painted watercolor. In Hawaii, the State fish is one of these fish that live in the coral reef.

sealover wrote:
I wish we didn't have to think about replanting large swaths of forest area with more drought resistant tree varieties to fend off catastrophic wildfires.

So you don't like forests. Gotit.

The Parrot Killer

Debunked in my sig. - tmiddles

Google keeps track of paranoid talk and i'm not on their list. I've been evaluated and certified. - keepit

nuclear powered ships do not require nuclear fuel. - Swan

While it is true that fossils do not burn it is also true that fossil fuels burn very well - Swan
10-04-2022 22:26
Into the NightProfile picture★★★★★
sealover wrote:
Yes, we have a deal

I will call this argument 1.
sealover wrote:
I was told that I was a "liar" when I told a story about the coral reef where I saw the damage with my own eyes.

Because you didn't see 'The Damage'. Which coral reef? There are thousands of them.
sealover wrote:
I was even shown photographic "proof" of my "lie".

You mean a picture of a healthy reef?
sealover wrote:
I have worked closely with many other scientists. We can't ALL be stupid.

Just you, eh?
sealover wrote:
We can't be finding ourselves more ignorant as we gather more information.

I am sure you are working hard to find places to cut and paste from.
sealover wrote:
I don't want to call anyone else a liar, but I have seen where large swaths of rainforest have been cleared. It's not imaginary.

It's imaginary. Most people can even get into the Amazon rain forest very far.
sealover wrote:
There are a few success stories, but mostly it's just getting worse.

No. It's still there and just as pristine as ever.
sealover wrote:
The president of Brazil basically INVITED squatters to go into indigenous land and clear the rainforest. NOBODY HAS PAID A FINE THERE IN YEARS.

Lie. Brazil takes forest conservation very seriously.
sealover wrote:
I refuse to argue with someone who refuses to see any problem of any kind.

Because your 'problem' is fiction.
sealover wrote:
It is a waste of my time AND yours.

Yes. Arguing over you fiction is a waste of time.
sealover wrote:
And, yes, we had a deal.

I will call this argument 2. You are now locked in another paradox. Irrational.
sealover wrote:
There is no need for me to interact directly with the trolls here any more.

You are the troll. How are you not going to interact with yourself??
sealover wrote:
I apologize if I come off as disrespectful, but there are plenty of people who don't need to be convinced that the problem is real.

Buzzword fallacy. You don't know what 'real' means.
sealover wrote:
Some of them even want to discuss SOLUTIONS.

I can tell you where I get most of my information - scientific journals.

Science isn't a journal.
sealover wrote:
I don't have time to provide a bunch of basic background references.

Because you can't.
sealover wrote:
Especially since I know in advance anything I present will be rejected instantly.

Nah. Just your BS and your cut and paste.
sealover wrote:
I'd rather answer a question about biogeochemical mechanisms.

Buzzword fallacy. There is no such thing.

The Parrot Killer

Debunked in my sig. - tmiddles

Google keeps track of paranoid talk and i'm not on their list. I've been evaluated and certified. - keepit

nuclear powered ships do not require nuclear fuel. - Swan

While it is true that fossils do not burn it is also true that fossil fuels burn very well - Swan
11-04-2022 19:09
GretaGroupieProfile picture★★☆☆☆
duncan61 wrote:
Be grateful I do not know how to post pictures as it gets a bit graphic.Greta lover is holding the camera.

Yes, I do love her Duncan. She is soooo wonderful!

Now the pic thing is easy. Just right click on a picture you like and then click "copy image link". Then, paste it into your post, highlight the link (it usually starts with https and ends in jpg, png or gif), then click on the img option underneath the post box. You can also click on center if you want the pic centered in your reply.

If you want, send me a pm with a climate change themed pic and I'll see if you got it right. If not, I'll reply with corrections so you can get the hang of it.

Here's an example (hit quote and you'll see all the img and center stuff):

12-04-2022 06:35
IBdaMannProfile picture★★★★★
GretaGroupie wrote:
Yes, I do love her Duncan. She is soooo wonderful!

Now the pic thing is easy.

Attached image:

12-04-2022 06:35
IBdaMannProfile picture★★★★★
GretaGroupie wrote:
Yes, I do love her Duncan. She is soooo wonderful!

Now the pic thing is easy.

Attached image:

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